1341 Probability (機率)
Course Time: Mon 09:10-12:00
Classroom: AT338
Course Outlines:
1. Experiments, Models and Probabilities;
2. Sequential Experiments;
3. Discrete Random Variables;
4. Continuous Random Variables.
5. Multiple Random Variables;
6. Probability Models of Derived Random Variables;
7. Conditional Probability Models;
8. Random Vectors;
9. Sums of Random Variables;
10. The Sample Mean;
11. Hypothesis Testing;
12. Estimation of a Random Variable;
13. Stochastic Processes.
Textbook: Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers ", the 3rd Edition, by Roy D. Yates and David J. Goodman (John Wiley & Sons), 2015.
Reference Books:
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, by Keinosuke Fukunaga, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 1990.
Introduction to Probability and Statistics: for Engineering and the Computing Sciences, by J. Susan Milton, Jesse C. Arnold, Liu Kwong Ip, the McGraw Hill Companies.
R in ACTION: Data analysis and graphics with R, by Kabacoff, Robert I., Manning Publications, 2015.
Lecture Notes: Probability0
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2022/1/20)
10/3前的課使用Google Meet線上上課,會點名,網址為:meet.google.com/snq-rhtq-san
6653&7766 Digital Image Processing (影像處理)
Course Time: Tue 13:10-16:00 / Mon 18:20-21:00
Classroom: AT336 / AT338
Course Outlines: This course covers fundamental concepts and methods in digital image processing and their applications. The course is outlined as:
1 Introduction
2 Digital Image Fundamentals
3 Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering
4 Filtering in the Frequency Domain
5 Image Restoration and Reconstruction
6 Wavelet and Other Image Transforms
7 Color Image Processing
8 Morphological Image Processing
9 Image Segmentation
10 Deep Learning
11 Image Classification and Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks.
Textbook: "Digital Image Processing", by R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, 4th Edition, Pearson (開發), 2017.
Reference Books: "
Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB", 2nd Edition, by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins,
McGraw-Hill, 2009. -
"Artificial Intelligence" by Leonardo Araujo dos Santos. 2018.
"Hands-On Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2", by Benjamin Planche and Eliot Andres, Packt Publishing, 2019.
Lecture Notes: Chapter0, 關於PPT授課著作權, Chapter1, Chapter2, Chapter3, Chapter5, Chapter6, Chapter9, Chapter10, Chapter12
10/3前,碩博班的課使用Google Meet線上上課,會點名,網址為: meet.google.com/rao-jsmb-duw
10/3前,碩專班的課使用Google Meet線上上課,會點名,網址為: meet.google.com/dvf-eiyi-eye
作業繳交方式:內容為主要演算法與程式片斷,包含測試資料與結果,以及簡短的討論或結論等。請把書面報告WORD電子檔,程式Source code及相關測試資料先以Winzip或WinRAR壓縮,並以學號為其檔名,上傳到FTP網站,網址資訊隨後公布。
1923 Introduction to Deep Learning in Image Processing (深度學習概論與影像處理應用)
Course Time: August 24th, 25th, and 27th 09:10-16:00
Classroom: S821 (Room 821@Science Building)
Course Outlines:
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
2. Multilayer Perceptron
3.Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
4.Object Detection and Classification
5.Deep learning on the Raspberry Pi.
- Reference Books:
[1] "Artificial Inteligence" by Leonardo Araujo dos Santos. 2018.
[2] "Hands-On Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2", by Benjamin Planche and Eliot Andres, Packt Publishing, 2019.
[3] “Neural Networks and Learning Machines” by Simon O. Haykin, 3rd Edition, 2009
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2022/1/13)
1922 Data Analysis and Graphics and Machine Learning with R (R語言實務與機器學習)
Course Time: August 31th, September 1st and 3rd, 09:10-16:00
Classroom: S821 (Room 821@Science Building)
Course Outlines:
1. RStudio 開發環境的建置與介紹
2. 變數型態、向量運算、函數的使用
3. 各種資料的讀取與匯入
4. 直覺、吸睛的繪圖技巧
5. 原始資料的整併和取樣
6. 字串的處理與運算
7. 迴圈、向量等群組資料的操作
8. 報表、簡報和網頁呈現的技巧
9. 各種統計、迴歸資料模型的應用
10. R 軟體於機器學習與深度學習(CNN)的應用
Textbook: R 軟體 資料分析基礎與應用 (R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics),旗標出版公司
Reference Books: R IN ACTION: Data analysis and graphics with R, by Kabacoff, Robert I., Manning Publications, 2015.
Lecture Notes: R_Summer
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2022/1/14)
Teaching Materials: (1) CSV sample file: Tomato, Hospital, (2) Sample code1 (2) 語言自訂函數範例
R 安裝機器學習套件 RTENSORFLOW, KERAS,請見:R_Keras
Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧,資訊科技第二專長學分班)
Course Time: Tue. 18:30-21:00
Classroom: AT336
Course Outlines:
1.Introduction to Machine Learning;
2. K-Nearest Neighbors;
3. Naive Bayesian Classification;
4. Decision Trees and Random Forests;
5. Support Vector Machines;
6. Neural Networks;
7. Unsupervised Learning and Clustering;
8. Deep Learning
Textbook: “初探機器學習 使用Python”, O’Reilly, 2017(碁峰) (Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python: A Test-Driven Approach 1st Edition -Matthew Kirk)
Reference Books:
“Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition” by Keinosuke Fukunaga, Academic Press, 2nd edition,1990.
“Neural Networks and Learning Machines” by Simon O. Haykin, Pearson Education, Inc., 3rd Edition, 2009.
“Artificial Intelligence” - Leonardo Araujo dos Santos. 2018.
Lecture Notes: AI0
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2022/1/20)
10/3前的課使用Google Meet線上上課,會點名,網址為:meet.google.com/ofs-uuwa-uqe
Machine learning Sample codes (Tensorflow 2.0)