1341 Probability (機率)
Course Time: Mon 09:10-12:00
Classroom: AT338
Course Outlines:
1. Experiments, Models and Probabilities;
2. Sequential Experiments;
3. Discrete Random Variables;
4. Continuous Random Variables.
5. Multiple Random Variables;
6. Probability Models of Derived Random Variables;
7. Conditional Probability Models;
8. Random Vectors;
9. Sums of Random Variables;
10. The Sample Mean;
11. Hypothesis Testing;
12. Estimation of a Random Variable;
13. Stochastic Processes.
Textbook: Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers ", the 3rd Edition, by Roy D. Yates and David J. Goodman (John Wiley & Sons), 2015.
Reference Books:
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, by Keinosuke Fukunaga, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 1990.
Introduction to Probability and Statistics: for Engineering and the Computing Sciences, by J. Susan Milton, Jesse C. Arnold, Liu Kwong Ip, the McGraw Hill Companies.
R in ACTION: Data analysis and graphics with R, by Kabacoff, Robert I., Manning Publications, 2015.
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2021/1/13)
HW1: Problems 1.1.2, 1.3.1, and 1.5.7
HW2: R language - Quiz 2.4
HW3: Problems 2.1.10 and 2.2.10
HW4: R language - Example 3.34
HW5: Problems 3.2.10, 3.3.12 and 3.5.9
11/2 0930-1130 期中考,範圍:chapter1 ~ chapter3
HW6: Problems 4.6.15 and 4.7.2, R language: Simulate N=50 data with Gaussian distribution N(60,10), calculate mean, std and median.
12/7: Quiz, range: chapter 4.
12/21小考,範圍5-1 ~5-8。
6653&7766 Digital Image Processing (影像處理)
Course Time: Tue 13:10-16:00 / Mon 18:20-21:00
Classroom: AT336 / AT338
Course Outlines: This course covers fundamental concepts and methods in digital image processing and their applications. The course is outlined as:
1 Introduction
2 Digital Image Fundamentals
3 Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering
4 Filtering in the Frequency Domain
5 Image Restoration and Reconstruction
6 Wavelet and Other Image Transforms
7 Color Image Processing
8 Morphological Image Processing
9 Image Segmentation
10 Deep Learning
11 Image Classification and Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks.
Textbook: "Digital Image Processing", by R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, 4th Edition, Pearson (開發), 2017.
Reference Books: "
Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB", 2nd Edition, by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins,
McGraw-Hill, 2009. -
"Artificial Intelligence" by Leonardo Araujo dos Santos. 2018.
"Hands-On Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2", by Benjamin Planche and Eliot Andres, Packt Publishing, 2019.
Lecture Notes:Chapter0, 關於PPT授課著作權, Chapter1, Chapter2, Chapter3, Chapter5, Chapter6, Chapter9, Chapter10, Chapter12
Grade: 碩博成績 (Updated at 2021/1/13) ,碩專成績 (Updated at 2021/1/13)
9/14 晚上在職班影像處理暫停一次,補課時間另訂。
9/29 課程暫停一次,補課時間另訂。
10/13 下午舉辦「影像辨識工作坊」。建立上課 Python 開發環境影片如下:
11/10 課程因到農委會開會暫停一次,11/13周五下午1310補課,地點:應科336教室。
作業繳交方式:內容為主要演算法與程式片斷,包含測試資料與結果,以及簡短的討論或結論等。請把書面報告WORD電子檔,程式Source code及相關測試資料先以Winzip或WinRAR壓縮,並以學號為其檔名,上傳到FTP網站,網址資訊隨後公布。
期末報告,每組報告一篇近五年SCIE期刊論文,報告時間為15分鐘(含QA)。(碩博班3-4人一組,碩專班1-2人一組)。碩博期末報告:12/22, 29;碩專期末報告:12/21, 28。
HW3: Morphology: Boundary extraction and Region Filling.
HW4: Use a CNN-based neural network to classify the scene is indoors or outdoors. 影像上傳網址如下:FTP IP:,user: ipstudent,password: ip2020,port: 1023
4505 Information Management (資訊管理)
Course Time: Tue 18:20-20:05
Classroom: L216 (水保系2F 計中第一PC教室)
Course Outlines: 本課程資訊系統的理論與實務,讓同學瞭解管理資訊系統理論在實務面之應用。課程大綱如下:
1. 資訊系統簡介
2. 企業流程再造
3. 資訊系統分析與設計
4. 專案管理
5. 企業資源規劃
6. 供應鏈管理
7. 客戶關係管理
8. 電子資料交換系統
9. 決策支援
10. 資料探勷
11. 電子商務
12. 雲端運算
13. 資料庫管理
14. 網路管理
15. 資訊安全
16. 大數據-Big Data
17. 物聯網
Textbook: 資訊管理概論(第三版), 陳瑞順, 全華圖書出版, 出版日期:2015/09/1
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2021/1/11)
HW1: 何謂UML,請舉圖例說明。
9/29 課程暫停一次,補課時間另訂。
HW2 : 資訊系統應用的個案分析。
10/27: 小考關聯式資料庫。
11/3 期中考
12/1 小考
1/5 期末考
1923 Introduction to Deep Learning in Image Processing (深度學習概論與影像處理應用)
Course Time: August 24th, 25th, and 27th 09:10-16:00
Classroom: S821 (Room 821@Science Building)
Course Outlines:
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
2. Multilayer Perceptron
3.Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
4.Object Detection and Classification
5.Deep learning on the Raspberry Pi.
- Reference Books:
[1] "Artificial Inteligence" by Leonardo Araujo dos Santos. 2018.
[2] "Hands-On Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2", by Benjamin Planche and Eliot Andres, Packt Publishing, 2019.
[3] “Neural Networks and Learning Machines” by Simon O. Haykin, 3rd Edition, 2009
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2020/12/27)
2273 Data Analysis and Graphics and Machine Learning with R (R語言實務與機器學習)
Course Time: August 31th, September 1st and 3rd, 09:10-16:00
Classroom: S821 (Room 821@Science Building)
Course Outlines:
1. RStudio 開發環境的建置與介紹
2. 變數型態、向量運算、函數的使用
3. 各種資料的讀取與匯入
4. 直覺、吸睛的繪圖技巧
5. 原始資料的整併和取樣
6. 字串的處理與運算
7. 迴圈、向量等群組資料的操作
8. 報表、簡報和網頁呈現的技巧
9. 各種統計、迴歸資料模型的應用
10. R 軟體於機器學習與深度學習(CNN)的應用
Textbook: R 軟體 資料分析基礎與應用 (R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics),旗標出版公司
Reference Books: R IN ACTION: Data analysis and graphics with R, by Kabacoff, Robert I., Manning Publications, 2015.
Lecture Notes: R_Summer
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 2020/12/27)
Teaching Materials: (1) CSV sample file: Tomato, Hospital, (2) Sample code1 (2) 語言自訂函數範例
R 安裝機器學習套件 RTENSORFLOW, KERAS,請見:R_Keras