6638 Digital Image Processing (影像處理)
Course Time: Tue 13:10-16:00
Classroom: AT338
Course Outlines: This course covers fundamental concepts and methods in digital image processing and their applications. The course is outlined as:
1 Introduction
2 Digital Image Fundamentals
3 Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering
4 Filtering in the Frequency Domain
5 Image Restoration and Reconstruction
6 Wavelet and Other Image Transforms
7 Color Image Processing
8 Morphological Image Processing
9 Image Segmentation
10 Deep Learning
11 Image Classification and Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks.
Textbook: "Digital Image Processing", by R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, 4th Edition, Pearson (開發), 2017.
Reference Books: "
Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB", 2nd Edition, by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins,
McGraw-Hill, 2009. -
"Artificial Intelligence" by Leonardo Araujo dos Santos. 2018.
"Hands-On Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2", by Benjamin Planche and Eliot Andres, Packt Publishing, 2019.
Lecture Notes: Chapter0, 關於PPT授課著作權, Chapter1, Chapter2, Chapter3, Chapter5, Chapter6, Chapter9, Chapter10, Chapter12
Grade: 成績 (Updated at 06/24)
作業繳交方式:內容為主要演算法與程式片斷,包含測試資料與結果,以及簡短的討論或結論等。請把書面報告WORD電子檔,程式Source code及相關測試資料先以Winzip或WinRAR壓縮,並以學號為其檔名,上傳到以下FTP網站:主機:,使用者名稱:dipstudent,密碼:dip2024,連接埠:21。
期末報告,每組報告一篇近五年SCIE期刊論文,報告時間為15分鐘(含QA)。(碩博班3-4人一組)。報告日期:6/4, 6/18。
1391 Medical Image Analysis (醫學影像分析)
Course Time: Thu 13:10-15:00
Classroom: IA724
Course Outlines: This course covers fundamental concepts and methods in digital image processing and their applications. The course is outlined as:
Digital Image Fundamentals
Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering
Image Segmentation I: Edge Detection, Thresholding, and Region Detection
Image Segmentation II: Active Contours: Snakes and Level Sets
Feature Extraction
Image Pattern Classification
Introduction to Deep Learning
Unet Architecture
Medical image analysis with Deep learning
Textbook: "Digital Image Processing", by R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, 4th Edition, Pearson (開發), 2017.
Reference Books: "
“Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, Challenges and Applications” by Gobert Lee and HiroshiFujita, Springer, 2020.
“Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis” by S. Kevin Zhou, Hayit Greenspan, Dinggang Shen, Elsevier Inc., 2017.
”Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB”, R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
”Artificial Inteligence” by Leonardo Araujo dos Santos. 2018.
”Hands-On Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2”, by Benjamin Planche and Eliot Andres, Packt Publishing, 2019.
成績 (Updated at 06/17)
1382 智慧醫療專題轉譯研究
Course Time: Thu 15:10-17:00
Classroom: IA722
1927 深度學習概論與電腦視覺應用