Motion blur is a common problem in digital photography. In the dim light, a long exposure time is needed to acquire a satisfactory photograph, and if the camera shakes during exposure, a motion blur is captured. Image deblurring has become a crucial image-processing challenge, because of the increased popularity of handheld cameras. Traditional motion deblurring methods assume that the blur degradation is shift-invariant; therefore, the deblurring problem can be reduced to a deconvolution problem. Edge-specific motion deblurring sharpened the strong edges of the image and then used them to estimate the blur
kernel. However, this also enhanced noise and narrow edges, which cause ambiguity and ringing artifacts. We propose a hybrid-based single image motion deblurring algorithm to solve these problems. First, we separated the blurred image into strong edge parts and smooth parts. We applied the improved patch-based sharpening method to enhance the strong edge for kernel estimation, but for the smooth part, we used the bilateral filter to remove the narrow edge and the noise for avoiding the generation of ringing artifacts. Experimental results show that the proposed method is efficient at deblurring for a variety
of images and can produce images of a quality comparable to other state-of-the-art techniques.